João vale's winning debut

29 outubro 2022

Also in Quads, two riders fought, from the first kilometre, in a lively fight for victory. After having been the fastest in the “Prólogo”, João Vale (Yamaha) entered today's "special" with a very strong pace, which allowed him to regain the lead and to maintain, throughout the more than 300 kilometres of the course, a relatively comfortable advantage over Luís Fernandes (Yamaha). In the end, the driver couldn't hide his emotion for his debut on the top of the podium: "My team and I had been trying to win for some time. It wasn't the first, and it wasn't the second, but as the saying goes, three's a charm. We were intelligent, the strongest and it was really an extraordinary season", in a reference to the fact that he added the national title to his victory in Baja Portalegre 500, in the same season.

Victim of an uncooperative engine in some phases of the race and of a fall, Luís Fernandes (Yamaha) was the second classified, while Filipe Silva (Suzuki) was the one who climbed to the lowest place on the podium. Fernando Cardoso and Rafael Carvalho (both on Yamaha) completed the top five.

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